# Introduction

KeeperRx was built out of necessity. As I get older I see more doctors, take more medications, have procedures done... you name it! Most of the doctors I've seen don't have information available online and the ones that do are useful but hard to find and remember all of those credentials.

Every doctor visit requires filling out pages of the same medical information that I can never remember. During doctor visits I'll get even more questions like:

"What medications are you currently taking?"

"When did you have that operation?"

"Who did you see for that diagnoses?"

This is compounded when I add in family and pets. They each have their own medical lives with doctors, medications , allergies and the like. Not only do I want to keep track of my family doctors and medication but I also want to be able to keep journal entries to remind me what was said or to keep track of questions I want to ask on my next visit.

The goal of KeeperRx is to provide a single place to keep your entire family's medical profiles with all of your health information so you can take control of your medical life!

I hope this application will be life changing for many of you. Please let us know what we can do to make **KeeperRx ** the best app possible.


Troy Moreland Founder & Developer